Request Covers
If you are specifically requesting a cover, you may do so here. Please use my other contact form for general inquiries.
PLEASE NOTE: There are certain stipulations that must be heeded before making a request. Read each rule thoroughly before sending your request to me.

Specify which UTAU/jinriki/etc you want me to do the cover with. If it is a duet or involves more than one singer, specify each singer you want. If you want to, you may specify which voice you want singing which part.
Provide a working link to the UST/VSQx.
Provide a working link to the instrumental. If you cannot find an instrumental, I have Ultimate Vocal Remover. I do not promise fantastic results, but I can try to split the instrumental. Please try to find official instrumentals first. Piapro is so free.
Tell me who made the UST/VSQx if this information is not already present in a readme file.
Try to find instrumentals via official links like Piapro or the producer's own site.
If you'd like to be credited for the request, please specify which name/alias you want used.
If you have any ideas or supplemental information for the art in the video that relates to the requested cover, you may also provide this.
Please respect who is on the Banned Artists list. Don't complain about who I put on there; I have very deep-seated reasons for why they're on there and I want it to be respected.
Do Not
Do not submit requests that involve me making more jinrikis. You get what you get.
Do not request songs that do not have a publicly available UST/VSQx.
Try not to request songs that do not have a publicly available instrumental, if you can help it. If you really, really want it, I will try to use Ultimate Vocal Remover to split the instrumental. Results aren't guaranteed.
PLEASE CHECK if a UST/VSQx is copyright claimed if it is hosted on Mediafire. Mediafire has a copyright detection system and I will not be able to download files that have received a copyright notice.
Do not send me links to USTs that have "really rough," "messy," "old, don't use" in the title. I do not have the time to fix these. Please only send me reliable USTs. It helps to send me USTs that are in ZIP or RAR folders and not just a floating UST.
Do not complain that your request is taking too long. I work a full time job and have very little time to do much else. I will get to your request when I am able.
Please do not request jinrikis that are not listed on the UTAUs page.
I will not take any requests that do not come through the request form. Do not leave your request in a YouTube comment, as I will likely not even be able to see it.
Do not ask me to give you my jinrikis/diff-svc/SO-VITS. It is prohibited in UTAU's EULA to distribute jinriki banks.

Be sure to specify which Diff-SVC/SO-VITS/RVC model you are asking for in the request. Majimaloid is my only diff-svc so I'll know who you're talking about there. I have several SO-VITS and RVC models so please specify which one.
Please provide a link to the acapella you want me to use. Format the acapella is in doesn't matter as I can convert it to a WAV myself. Put this in the "UST/VSQx link" section.
Provide a link to the instrumental.
If you want me to use diff-svc/SO-VITS for something that doesn't already have a separated acapella and instrumental, you may still send it in and I will use Ultimate Vocal Remover to split it. Un-split songs should be linked in both the "UST/VSQx link" and "Instrumental" sections.
Do not expect the usual quality with diff-svc/SO-VITS/RVC renders.
Submitting joke/meme videos is fine. For submitting memes, put the reference video in both the "UST/VSQx link" and "Instrumental link" sections. Sub "song name" with the name of the meme.
Racial slurs/other such epithets present in songs will be overdubbed with funnier words.
Custom message readouts are allowed. For submitting these, put the link to the script (Google Doc is fine)/reference audio/etc. in both the "UST/VSQx link" and "Instrumental link" sections. If there is any particular direction you want to give, you may do so in the additional comments section. Sub "song name" with whatever you want the file name to be.
GrayGlish or other morphed language jinrikis can be requested as a regular UTAU, not as a diff-svc/SO-VITS/RVC.

Banned Artists
The artists on this list are not allowed to be requested for covers. Please respect who is on this list and do not get on my case for who I put on here.
Frank Sinatra (and anyone whose content is managed by TRO Essex Music Group)
Chris Brown
R. Kelly
Playboi Carti
Blood on the Dancefloor
Jeffree Star
Melanie Martinez
Masa Works Design
Lost Prophets
The Beatles
Songs made specifically for YouTubers (i.e. Pewdiepie vs. T Series)
Social Repose
Banned Creators
The people that make USTs/VSQxs/etc. on this list are not allowed to be reqeuested. I will not use their files, so don't even ask. Again, respect who is on this list and don't request USTs/VSQxs/etc. that come from these users.
chris ng
Dionn Runk
Mava (mavashere)
MSyphn (Mia)
TheTimeisNau (StrangerThanEarth)
reson lore
Tanjiro Taidana